10 Reasons to Exercise
to Cardiovascular
| Adaptations
to Strength
helps your mood and helps you
manage stress. You feel better
mentally and physically with
proper exercise. Exercise helps
you gain a sense of
accomplishment (even during
frustrating work days) with the
resulting confidence in
controlling your body motion. The
actual process of exercise action
involves your control of the
intensity and methodical,
rhythmic activity, which can be
meditative and euphoric. The
resulting control of your body
gives you a healthy, affirmative
contrast to other uncontrolled
stress in your life that involve
doubt and uncertainty. The
post-exercise rest period also
feels good. The proper timing and
intensity of exercise can also
improve sleep. Excessive
intensity right before bed can
you keep you 'wired' and
over-alert during the immediate
post-exercise period, while
lighter forms of exercise can
help induce sleep.
keeps you ready for action in
life by improving human
performance ability. Improvements
in strength, power, endurance,
balance, coordination and
flexibility help you meet
challenges of sports, job related
activities and common activities
of daily living. Specific
physical training helps your body
become even more efficient and
successful at performing targeted
tasks. You become stronger and
perform tasks more efficiently --
consuming more or less energy as
needed and improving your ability
to generate and accommodate
forces resulting in a decreased
chance of strain on the
musculoskeletal system. Exercise
can help you perform more
effectively for specific job
tasks. Athletes, police officers,
firefighters and many other
professionals benefit from
improvement in specific bodily
skills and by the underlying
physical and mental calmness that
a physically conditioned person
can maintain during exertion.
When tasks involve excessive
exertion, physically conditioned
individuals will usually return
to resting heart rates and
respiration rates sooner when
allowed to rest. The
physiological effect can have a
positive effect on emotional and
intellectual responses by
reducing fear, by reducing stress
hormone response and keeping the
mind in a state that makes good
decisions for performance and
(in the right amount) boosts the
immune system. Excessive
endurance exercise can lower
resistance to respiratory
infections, but proper attention
to exercise intensity and volume
(duration and quantity of
training sessions) and nutrition
support can boost the immune
reduces the risk of diseases
associated with aging. Exercise
reduces the risk of heart
disease, hypertension (high blood
pressure), cancer, diabetes and
other diseases.
improves your sense of balance
and improves your coordination,
which reduces your risk of (a)
musculoskeletal injuries caused
by overexertion and overuse
(resulting in sprains and
strains/repetitive trauma) or (b)
loss of control (resulting in
falls, collisions, sprains,
strains and fractures/acute
trauma) from an unstable
environment or worthy
helps you endure challenges in
life. The discipline, endurance
and stamina that you gain from
training, transfers to help
conquer other worldly challenges
in life. Exercise and training is
essential in developing the
winning attitude of a champion.
By learning to set goals, set
affirmations and believe in
yourself, you develop a mindset
of confidence that accomplishes
and matches your intentions.
Failure becomes a learning
experience for the next win.
Failure is never a defeat.
Failure is an education. You
adapt. You persevere. You win.
You learn with small or large
accomplishments in training that
what you couldn't do yesterday,
you will eventually be able to do
helps control body weight,
reducing stress on joints and the
low back; and reducing the risk
of diabetes.
improves your physical appearance
with improved body composition,
muscle tone and hypertrophy,
postural control and blood
circulation to the skin.
helps you live a more vigorous
life, improving the quality of
life. Also, you are likely to
spend less time with disabilities
near the end of life. Exercise
helps you maintain a physical
state that preserves
self-reliance, may reduce your
need for health care visits,
which may save you money.
might help you live longer. In a
study* of 16,936 Harvard alumni,
aged 35 to 74, death rates
declined steadily for people who
burned from 500 up to 3500 kcal
per week. Beyond 3500 kcal per
week, death rates increased
slightly. Death rates were one
quarter to one third lower among
people who expended 2000 kcal or
more per week. With or without
consideration of hypertension,
cigarette smoking, extremes or
gains in body weight, or early
death of parents; death rates
were still significantly lower
for people who had adequate
exercise. By age 80, the amount
of additional life attributed to
adequate exercise (compared to
being sedentary) was one year to
greater than two years.
RS Jr, Hyde RT, Wing AL, Hsieh
CC. Physical
activity, all-cause mortality,
and longevity of college
N Engl J Med. 1986 Mar
The proper exercise type and intensity
leads to the aforementioned benefits.
Improper exercise can have detrimental
effects. Exercise at excessive intensity
or the wrong type of exercise can cause
heart attacks, decrease the effectiveness
of the immune system or damage joints.
to the TOP 10 INDEX