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NFL Quarterback Passer Rating

The NFL Passer Rating or Quarterback Rating Forumula is a measure of the performance of quarterbacks or any other passers in the NFL. There are at least two calculations currently in use: one officially used by the National Football League and the Canadian Football League, and one used in college football. The NFL Passer Rating, shown below, is calculated from four components using each quarterback's following stats:

(1) completion percentage (completions per attempts),
(2) passing yardage (yards per attempts),
(3) touchdowns per attempts and
(4) interceptions

The NFL's current "passer rating" system was conceived by Pro Football Hall of Fame's Don Smith in 1973.



Q. What is the Quarterback Passer Rating for Steve Young in 1994?
A. 112.8
For a practical example, take Steve Young's record-setting season in 1994 when he completed 324 of 461 passes for 3,969 yards, 35 touchdowns, and 10 interceptions (variables explained below formula):

IMPORTANT: Each component in the numerator has a maximum value of 2.375 and minimum value of 0. The Google calculator does not have have IF/THEN capabilities, therefore if any quarterback performance is extremely good or extremely poor outside the 0 to 2.375 range for a any single component, then the single line Google Calculator above will not work. You can perform a range check for each component individually below. If any component is less than 0 or greater than 2.375, then use the last formula on this page, which allows you to keep a '2.375' value or replace the '2.375' value with a 0 or a calculated value from the formula breakdown calculations below.

ALSO NOTE: Notice in Steve Young's record perforance year, that the 461 attempts that are consistent for each section. We could have used less parentheses, but we wanted to keep the four components clear in the numerator. Each component is separated by a plus sign.

Details on Components and Formulae (Breakdown of the Numerator)
The highest value that can be obtained on any component is 2.375.

C = Completion Percentage
((Completions/Attempts) x 100 - 30)/20 ====> ((324/461) x 100 - 30)/20)

.775 is the threshold to obtain 2.375
Note: If the result is less than zero (Completed Percentage less than 30.0), award zero points. If the results are greater than 2.375 (Completed Percentage greater than 77.5), award 2.375.

Y = Passing Yardage or Yards per Attempts
(Yards/Attempts) - 3) x .25 ====> ((3,969/461 - 3) x .25

12.5 yards per attempts is the threshold to obtain 2.375
Note: If the result is less than zero (yards per attempt less than 3.0), award zero points. If the result is greater than 2.375 (yards per attempt greater than 12.5), award 2.375 points.

T = Touchdowns per Attempts
(Touchdowns/Attempts) x 20 ====> ((35/461) x 20)

.119 yards per attempts is the threshold to obtain 2.375
Note: If the result is greater than 2.375 (touchdown percentage greater than 11.875), award 2.375

I = Interceptions per Attempt
2.375 - (Interceptions/Attempts) x 25 ====> (2.375 - (10/461) x 25

0 interceptions is the threshold to obtain 2.375
Note: If the result is less than zero (interception percentage greater than 9.5), award zero points.

The four components are combined in the following formula:

((C + Y + T + I) / 6) x 100

Here is Steve Young's 1994 performance shown for each component:

0 interceptions is the threshold to obtain 2.375
Note: If the result is less than zero (interception percentage greater than 9.5), award zero points.

Since each component of the passer rating can be no greater than 2.375,
the maximum passer rating is 158.333 (below):

To achieve a maximum Passer Rating of 158.333, a quarterback must achieve the following:
Completion Category: A completion percentage greater than or equal to 77.5 %
Yards per Attempts Category: Greater than or equal to 12.5 yards per attempt
Touchdowns per Attempts: Greater than or equal to .11875 touchdowns per attempt. In other words, no more than 8.42 attempts per touchdown.

Interceptions per Attempt: Zero interceptions allowed.



*Some calculations may not be appropriate for certain individuals. This site is intended for use as an educational tool, not a clinical tool. Always check with your physician before starting an exercise program. © Copyright 2006-2007 Apriori, Inc.





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