CURVE is common in the Physiology of Physical
Training and is a reminder of how the body responds to
Physical Training. The curve turns up in many natural
systems of the human body. The curve often represents
the storing of potential energy and the release of
energy. The highs and lows of potential and kinetic
energy are present at many levels of physiology, and
are considered in the design and programming of
training sessions and long-range workout schedules.
Here is a rundown of four important curves that
describe the theory behind Physical Training.
Action Potential
An Action Potential is a wave of depolarization that
occurs in nerves and muscles. Electrolytes or ions,
such as sodium and potassium are in a state of
potential energy when polarized across a nerve
membrane. Depolarization is the reversal of that
potential. A wave of depolarization travels down a
nerve to conduct the impulse. The Action Potential of
a nerve is transferred chemically by a Motor Endplate
(motoneuron) that transmits the nervous Action
Potential to a muscular Action Potential which causes
muscle fibers to contract. A stimulus causes the
potential to reverse or depolarize when a threshold is
reached and a depolarization wave travels or
propagates along a nerve or muscle. In maximal
strength and power activities the ability to activate
as many motoneurons as possible for a task brings top
performance. The number of neurons fired and the
frequency that the neurons are fired sum up the neural
activity causing the magnitude of whole muscle
contraction. The Action Potential curve is plotted as
Voltage (Potential) versus Time. Action Potential
graphs actually look narrower and are not as
symmetrical as the graphic shown above.
Length-Tension Relation Curve
Muscles have an optimal length that produces stronger
contractions. When muscles are placed in a shortened
position they are weaker. When muscles are lengthened
to a position of overstretching, they also produce
weaker contractions. There are overlapping contractile
filaments inside the muscle fibers that have an
optimal overlap and greater contractile force output
somewhere between the extremes of too-short and
too-stretched. The Length-Tension Relationship
combined with the efficiency of the line of pull of
muscles near a joint are very important in
understanding why strength varies at different joint
angles and when teaching weight training techniques.
Many machine settings are designed to optimize the
length of working muscle. Care must be taken to
determine that efforts to reach optimal muscle length
do not occur at the expense of joint safety. The
Length-Tension Relation Curve is plotted as Tension
Developed versus Muscle Length.
Muscle Force Curve
There is a period of time when a muscle contraction is
at its maximum following the nerve stimulus. This
period of contraction is called the Maximum Intensity
of the Active State. The window of opportunity for
this state is small. The Maximum Intensity is not
developed instantaneously, but it happens quickly and
declines immediately. The Force-Time Relationship is
important to athletes with maximum strength goals
because athletes may have the best opportunity to move
a weight in the fraction of seconds that the Active
State reaches a maximum. The Muscle Force Curve is
plotted as Force versus Time.
Periodization Training
An athlete cannot train heavy all the time because
muscles need time to recover and adapt to gain greater
strength and power. Athletic performance involves
strength, power, speed, endurance and technique.
Variety is an important part of training because
specific components of athletic performance can be
addressed while other components are allowed to rest.
The Periodization Curve is actually a continuum of up
and down curves that plot an overlap of Training
Intensity and Training Volume versus Time (usually one
year). The one year time period is considered a
Macrocycle and is subdivided into Mesocycles (months)
and Microcycles (weeks).
There's More Too
When you consider human interaction during sports,
with a machine or with another human being there is
almost always an optimal magnitude of effort applied
to get the best results. During a basketball free
throw, if too little force is applied to the ball, it
falls short as an air ball. Too much force? ... it
bounces off of the backboard. It takes a few tries to
find optimal force for optimal performance; and the
force applied is not necessarily in the middle as the
graph below implies. Finding an optimal magnitude in
the "middle" (of the x-axis) to optimize a result
(y-axis) is known as "following the Goldilocks
Principle," as in the Porridge is TOO COLD, TOO
Stress and the General Adaptation Syndrome explained by Hans Selye1 has a similar optimal magnitude in the middle. Too
little stress causes a person to lack the ability to
adapt and cope with stress. When a person is
physically under-stressed, the body also deconditions
into an unhealthy state. For example, people with
casts for broken bones lose muscle mass while the cast
is in place. The performance of muscles under a cast
declines from lack of use and needs to be
reconditioned when the cast is removed. Lack of
exercise can also put women at higher risk of
osteoporosis. People who are continuously
over-stressed are more likely to develop illnesses and
diseases (e.g., heart attack, ulcer, respiratory
infection, carpal tunnel syndrome, etc.) and are more
likely to be involved in accidents.
The Action Curve is a helpful reminder to keep your
lifestyle tuned to optimal performance and health.
APRIORIATHLETICS.COM is dedicated to helping you
discover and rely on that optimum.
Hans Selye Biography from Selye-Toffler
© Copyright 1988-2006 Mark D. Bostrom
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